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  • Writer's pictureLaseni N Olabode

Supervisions & Feedback

The supervisions and group meetings would normally be used to prioritise the most important things that needed to be done for the project. Also to agree a course of action and interim deadlines for outcomes.

1st meeting - 21st October, 2019:

This supervision was a group meeting, to allow us all to bounce ideas off of each other. We sat in a circle and each said the title of our project and one sentence about it until everyone had spoken. Then we were able to go into greater depth and find out what we are planning for our final outcomes.

2nd meeting - 28th October, 2019:

This was another group meeting, where we spoke about where exactly we explored places we could visit (e.g. museum, art exhibitions) to help us understand the depth of our research projects. In this crit a colleague of mine called Jena really helped me realise that topic that I am focusing on has not been focused on enough because she expressed to me that she didn't even know that skin bleaching existed, and that she wasn't aware of this problem in the community.

For my exhibition I chose to visit the Rock Your Soul exhibition at the Victoria Miro gallery

3rd meeting - 9th December 2019

Today we spent some time going through our proposals. After giving an explanation about my project I was given a large list of things to consider when doing the research into my project. These are my notes from this session:

Racism and the Media: A Textual Analysis Kassia E. Kulaszewicz

Portrayal of Minorities in the Film, Media and Entertainment Industries

Yurii Horton


Social awareness campaign –


10 sec adverts

Spoof advertising

General advertising – race issues


Advertising placement – where are things usually put

How would they target people?

Audience research

Find people who have done the method of research (e.g. questionnaires)

Vice documentary

Steve McQueen

Group Crits - 27th January, 2020

On this day I presented my rough draft in front of my colleagues. I had no idea what route I was heading down but the feedback from this crit really helped me to determine what I wanted to create.

I created some social awareness campaigns of my own, where I took some photos of famous black women within the industry and brightened parts of their faces to look unnatural to the human eye.

Feedback from Crit:

Many people understood the angle I was taking on it, but others also wanted the shock factor to be more, they suggested that I should add some disturbing side effects of skin bleaching to get my point across. Although, they said they understood the stance I was trying to get it was they could still see the beauty in it, which is not what I am trying to promote.

4th meeting - 17th February 2020


I received the news that our university was going to be closing due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. So the supervision session planned for 16th March 2020 had to be cancelled whilst our supervisors figured out how we were going to continue our modules.

5th meeting - 31st March, 2020 Virtual

Mim and I met via Whereby on 31st March 2020, after much panicking on my end due to the covid-19 situation, I expressed to Mim that I wasn't sure how I was going to show what I had intended to create for my final exhibition digitally. We discussed my project and how I can adapt my original physical ideas into digital ideas.

6th meeting - 16th April, 2020 Virtual

Mim and I met via Whereby on 16th April 2020, we discussed my project and how I can adapt my original physical ideas into digital ideas. Here are my notes from our session:

Mim notes:

create a mock up

keep an eye on the meaning - does it mean what i want it to mean

try and create it best as i can to what i want it

research photographer styles - famous for photographing black skin (might be easy to look for famous campaigns and research the photographer)

makeup artist - again famous for creating looks on black skin - theres loads on instagram (berniciaboateng)

and make sure the meaning links to what i am trying to say - love the skin you're in - think of a new headline that hasn’t been used

& also beauty advertising campaigns - e.g. Dove, Nivea etc

Note down things in common

Testimonies from people who have grown up black - what was their experience? Do they feel as if lighter skinned women have more privilege/better quality of life? How does being darker skinned affect their self esteem?

print campaign

is there a version of something where i could do it on the front cover

through different media platforms e.g. TikTok, Snapchat

Be very clear on the headline

Checklist for blog:

Supervision notes

Reflecting on your practice

What did you want to do / How can i work with them

Find the positives in all the negatives

Use existing shoots and alter them


Critical practice

Cindy Sherman

Test them out on Zoom - Focus Group

portrait photography

snapchat advert

headline: love the skin you’re in - Olay uses this

fiona tanner - makeup artist

kemi beauty

Combination of shots from a photographer that does beautiful

Snapchat filters make it beautiful with the horror pf skin effects

3 separate press ads

different but have the same end line with the product

Executions need to be different

look at spoof adverts

what do they usually do and have that language and codes and connotations

and then snapchat filter design

facebook type thing maybe like a 30 day challenge

Set up a website to display it

google slides

7th meeting - 12th May 2020 Virtual

Mim and I met via Whereby on 12th April 2020, we discussed my website and how I can show all of my research and adaptions properly through the use of a blog. We also spoke about my final outcomes and how I can show them in the same type of way I would have exhibited them. Here are my notes from this session:

Work on website:

  • Remove About page

  • Create 2 more Social Media Exhibition pages

  • Change home heading to Exhibition

  • Add playlist to website

Complete Project Management section:

  • Permission Forms

  • Document the intention had been to take photographs of people but Covid happened so now I have to get consent from photographers to use their photographs - document this on Project Management page

  • Insert Project Proposal - 1st and Final Draft

Complete Ad Campaign outcomes:

  • Snapchat filter

  • Instagram feed

  • Billboard

  • Logo


  • Supervision notes

  • Group Supervisions & Crits

  • Interim items & conclude

  • Covid-19 - Acknowledge how it has caused me to adapt my idea over time. What did i want to dp? What have I adapted to?

Research & Application

  • Copy and paste parts from interim report - what I looked at & what I learned from it

  • Mix it with visual aspects

Project in Practice:

  • All the screenshots I have been taking of the process

  • Photographers work

  • Screenshot of me putting them in folders

  • Explain the digital process

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Originally when I thought of my exhibition, I wanted to create a shop inside my exhibition space. I wanted to create an experience of entering a shop and holding physical beauty products (bleaching pr

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